- Steven Kivelson, "Nematic Quantum Hall Fluid Without Stripes", Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics (2018).
My interest in the field of condensed matter physics lie primarily in the theoretical understanding of correlated quantum matter. The topics of my research revolve around a rich set of phenomena in topological superconductors, copper- and iron-based high temperature superconductors, as well as quantum Hall systems, and spin liquids. Through the use of quantum field theory, symmetry group analysis, and large-scale numerical techniques, I hope to further the understandings of new phases of matter and emergent phenomena in strongly correlated systems. I am also interested in the development and implementation of algorithms for large-scale numerical computations on quantum systems.

Talks and Posters
- APS March Meeting (2019) talk
- APS March Meeting (2018) talk1, talk2, talk3
- Order, Fluctuations, and Strong Correlations: New Platforms and Developments (2017) talk
- Gordon Research Conference on Correlated Electron Systems (2016) poster
- APS March Meeting (2016) talk
- Gordon Research Conference on Superconductivity (2015) poster
- APS March Meeting (2015) talk1, talk2
- EMN Summer Meeting (2014) talk
- APS March Meeting (2014) talk
- APS March Meeting (2013) talk
- APS March Meeting (2012) talk
- APS March Meeting (2011) talk
- LatticeTools.jl -- Julia package that provides functionalities to define lattices and perform symmetry analyses useful for studying interacting quantum many-body Hamiltonians.
- QuantumHamiltonian.jl -- Julia package for constructing interacting quantum many-body Hamiltonians.
- QuantumHamiltonianParticle.jl -- Particle extension for [QuantumHamiltonian.jl](https://github.com/kyungminlee/QuantumHamiltonian.jl).
- HartreeFockBogoliubov.jl -- Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov solver for a generic interacting fermion Hamiltonian.
- GroupTools.jl -- Julia package for group representation analysis.
- MathExpr.jl -- Simple parser for mathematical expressions using Julia's parser.
- exactdiag -- Exact diagonalization for a generic many body Hamiltonian (C++)
- PiTensor -- Python wrapper for iTensor
- PomeranchukMonteCarlo -- Variational Monte Carlo for Composite Fermi Liquid (C++)